
Modified on: Thu, 1 Dec, 2022 at 1:12 PM


The folio stores the charges of the items and services and payments. It has its own balance and currency.


Field nameTypeDescription/Notes
idINTEGERUnique identifier of folio across the entire Clock PMS+ ecosystem*
account_idINTEGERIdentification of the account owning the record. Reference to accounts table*
nameSTRINGOptional name
numberSTRINGFolio number(customer defined)*
created_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio is created in (Date and time in UTC)*
updated_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio is updated (Date and time in UTC)*
closed_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio is closed and document issued (Date and time in UTC)
close_dateDATEClose date. The date when the document was issued (YYYY-MM-DD)
voided_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio is voided (Date and time in UTC)
void_reasonSTRINGReason for the void added by the operator
invoice_numberSTRINGInvoice number will be present for close folios (closed_at not blank) with a document type (document_type_id not blank)
document_type_idINTEGERIdentification of the document type used for the document
document_type_nameSTRINGName of the document type
fiscalized_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio is fiscalized (Date and time in UTC)
fiscalization_voided_atTIMESTAMPTime when the folio's fiscalization was voided (Date and time in UTC)
user_createdSTRINGName of the Clock PMS+ user created the folio*
user_updatedSTRINGName of the Clock PMS+ user updated the folio*
closed_bySTRINGName of the Clock PMS+ user closed the folio

Tax mode of the folio*. The tax mode is inherited by the account configuration and may be one of the following

  • no_tax - No tax calculation;
  • in_prices_on_row - Tax included in prices, rounding - per line;
  • in_prices_on_total - Tax included in prices, rounding - total;
  • add_on_row - Tax not included in prices, rounding - per line;
  • add_on_total - Tax not included in prices, rounding – total.

More information about the tax modes here*

value_centsINTEGERTotal value of the folio in cents(10 EUR = 1000 cents)*
net_value_centsINTEGERNet value of the folio in cents (10 EUR = 1000 cents)*
total_vat_centsINTEGERValue of the total VAT in cents (10 EUR = 1000 cents)*
balance_centsINTEGERBalance (charges - payments) for the folio in cents (10 EUR = 1000 cents)*
currencySTRINGCurrency of the folio ISO 4217 currency codes*
payedBOOLEANtrue / false*
payment_terms_dateDATEPayment due date (YYYY-MM-DD
depositBOOLEANtrue for deposit folios, false for others. More information about deposit folios here.
guest_countINTEGERNumber of covers for Clock POS folios
customer_cost_centerSTRINGCustomer's cost center. Customer's specific value (account code) which appears on the document printout.
notesSTRINGFolio notes
surcharge_rateNUMERICRate of surcharge applicable to the folio
client_folio_idINTEGERRelation to the main folio in case of a correction folio(debit/credit note)
transfer_to_idINTEGERCharge transfer destination folio id. If the charges form Clock POS are transferred to Clock PMS+
billing_to_guest_profile_idINTEGERRelation to the guests table if the folio is billed to guest. Otherwise blank.
billing_to_company_profile_idINTEGERRelation to the companies table if the folio is billed to company. Otherwise blank.
payer_company_idINTEGERRelation to companies table in case when the folio payer is company. Otherwise blank.
payer_event_idINTEGERRelation to the event in case when the folio payer is a event. Otherwise blank.
payer_booking_idINTEGERRelation to bookings table in case when the folio payer is booking. Otherwise blank.
payer_guest_idINTEGERRelation to guests table in case when the folio payer is a guest(non-resident folio is used). Otherwise blank.
contragent_nameSTRINGName of the customer
contragent_vatSTRINGVAT number of the customer
contragent_second_identificationSTRINGSecond identification number of the customer
contragent_person_nameSTRINGCustomer's representative name
contragent_countrySTRINGCustomer's country ALPHA-2 (ISO 3166)
contragent_addressSTRINGCustomer's address
contragent_citySTRINGCustomer's city
contragent_stateSTRINGCustomer's state
contragent_zip_codeSTRINGCustomer's ZIP code
contragent_additional_billing_infoSTRINGCustomer's additional billing information
contragent_custom_field_accompanySTRINGTravelling with field of the guest. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_addressSTRINGGuest's address. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_ageSTRINGGuest's age. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_citySTRINGGuest's city. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_countrySTRINGGuest's country. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_e_mailSTRINGGuest's e-mail. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_fax_numberSTRINGGuest's fax number. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_first_nameSTRINGGuest's first name. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_languageSTRINGGuest's language (as defined by the customer)
contragent_custom_field_last_nameSTRINGGuest's last name. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_levelSTRINGGuest's level. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_middle_nameSTRINGGuest's middle name. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_notesSTRINGGuest's note. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_phone_numberSTRINGGuest's phone number. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_stateSTRINGGuest's state. if billed to guest!
contragent_custom_field_zip_codeSTRINGGuest's ZIP code. if billed to guest!

* Field will have value for every record

** All fields after contragent_custom_field_zip_code field depend on the Clock PMS+ account configuration and would differ for he different customers!

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