
Modified on: Fri, 2 Dec, 2022 at 10:11 AM


Every hotel or restaurant in Clock PMS+ is an isolated account. Here you can find the details about the accounts.


Field nameTypeDescription/Notes
idINTEGERUnique identifier of the account across the entire Clock PMS+ ecosystem*
nameSTRINGName of the account
  • Pms::Account - HOTEL
  • Pms::Account - HOTEL
created_atTIMESTAMPTime when the account is created in (Date and time in UTC)*
updated_atTIMESTAMPTime when the account is updated for the last time (Date and time in UTC)*

How the revenue date is changed:

  • auto_revenue_date - Date is changed/closed automatically at a configured time;
  • opening_revenue_date - Date is changed/closed manually by user;
  • closing_revenue_date - Period is closed manually by user and allows greater control over the revenue date.

Here you can find more info about the revenue date mode.

revenue_date_delay_hoursSTRINGIf the revenue_date_mode is auto_revenue_date here you can find how many hours after midnight the revenue date will change. null values may be considered as zero.
manual_revenue_dateSTRINGIf the revenue_date_mode is auto_revenue_date here you can find the current revenue date

Tax mode configured for the account and may be one of the following

  • no_tax - No tax calculation;
  • in_prices_on_row - Tax included in prices, rounding - per line;
  • in_prices_on_total - Tax included in prices, rounding - total;
  • add_on_row - Tax not included in prices, rounding - per line;
  • add_on_total - Tax not included in prices, rounding – total.

More information about the tax modes here*

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