
Modified on: Tue, 29 Nov, 2022 at 12:00 PM


Complete list of companies defined in Clock PMS+. The companies are shared across the different accounts of the subscription and are used as companies and agents.


Field nameTypeDescription/Notes
idINTEGERUnique identifier of the company across the entire Clock PMS+ ecosystem*
branchSTRINGIdentifier of the branch (London, New York,... East, west, etc)
created_atTIMESTAMPTime created (Date and time in UTC)*
updated_atTIMESTAMPTime lastly updated (Date and time in UTC)*
archived_atTIMESTAMPTime archived (Date and time in UTC)
notesSTRINGCompany notes
linksSTRINGCompany links
accept_charge_transfersBOOLEANtrue/false specifies if the company may accept additional charges for Clock POS or other system*
payment_terms_daysINTEGERDays for delayed payments. Used for calculation of the payment due date of the invoice and affecting the aging in AR
credit_limit_centsINTEGERCredit limit amount agreed with this company in cents (10 EUR = 1000 cents)
currencySTRINGCredit limit currency
vatSTRINGVAT number. Shown on the invoice
iataSTRINGIATA number of the company
channel_manager_search_codeSTRINGCode of the company for the channel manager. Used for company recognition
wbe_access_codeSTRINGWRS access code for this company
wbe_roleSTRINGHow the WRS should treat the profile - as ‘Agent’ in the booking or as ‘Company’
commission_rateNUMERICCommission % payable to this company profile
commission_revenue_groupsSTRINGRevenue groups based on which the commission amount will be calculated. Array
report_segment_idINTEGERRelation to report_segments table which is holding the segment
contact_persons_idsINTEGERID/s of guests associated with the company profile. The IDs are relations to guests table. Array
second_identificationSTRINGSecond ID number of the company (if available). Shown on the invoice
billing_nameSTRINGBilling name. Shown on the invoice*
billing_person_nameSTRINGName of a person from the company. Will be shown on the invoice
billing_countrySTRINGCountry of the company ALPHA-2 (ISO 3166). Shown on the invoice
billing_addressSTRINGBilling address of the company. Shown on the invoice
billing_citySTRINGBilling city of the company. Shown on the invoice
billing_stateSTRINGBilling state of the company. Shown on the invoice
billing_zip_codeSTRINGBilling ZIP code of the company. Shown on the invoice
additional_billing_infoSTRINGAdditional billing info. Shown on the invoice
contact_first_nameSTRINGFirst name of the main contact for the company
contact_middle_nameSTRINGMiddle name of the main contact for the company
contact_last_nameSTRINGLast name of the main contact for the company
contact_countrySTRINGCountry of the main contact for the company ALPHA-2 (ISO 3166).
contact_citySTRINGCity of the main contact for the company
contact_addressSTRINGAddress of the main contact for the company
contact_zip_codeSTRINGZIP code of the main contact for the company
contact_phone_numberSTRINGPhone number of the main contact for the company
contact_e_mailSTRINGe-mail of the main contact for the company
contact_fax_numberSTRINGFAX number of the main contact for the company
contact_stateSTRINGState of the main contact for the company

* Field will have value for every record

** All fields after contact_state filed depend on the Clock PMS+ account configuration and would differ for he different customers!

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